Ladies and gentlemen, you're looking at the story of my life ha-ha....! I started out as an art-gutsy 6 year old kid who teaches art subject to the whole class including my teacher when i was in kindergarden....! When i was 10 years old, i went to inlist myself in an art contest at school amongst older kids on my own....
That time i asked my father what i should draw because i haven't got any idea of what should i put in my illustration board that time.... Then my father told me to draw a bunch of veges, pumkins here, tomatoes there.... etc, etc....! Exactly like this painting, only my skills are more well developed now....
So armed with just a pencil and a box of crayons, i went to the battle and beats all the tough kids ha-ha....! I won first prize, then another, and another until i graduated primary school....! Quite a story huh....! But that's not all, in the 90's i designed bridges, dams, monuments, parks and so much more....! Nowadays, i wanted to design my future.... I already have the visions.... Now i only have to make it happen ha-ha....! This is a 71cm x 51cm oil on canvas....
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